About a working trip to China

On june 17-23, 2023, Deputy Chairman of the FPRI Board Manarbek Kabaziev headed a delegation of Kazakh experts - political scientists on a working trip to China.

During their stay in the country, meetings were held with the leadership of several research institutes and «think tanks» of China (the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Development Research Center of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Academy of Contemporary Public Relations, the Chinese Institute for International Studies, the Institute for the Study of the Silk Road, the Institute of Central Asia of the Northwestern University, Institute of International Relations of the Xi'an International Studies University).

Kazakh and Chinese experts exchanged assessments of topical issues of bilateral cooperation, ways to improve effectiveness of cooperation between the two countries within the framework of «One Belt, One Road» initiative, prospects for development of the SCO on the eve of its July summit, as well as the results of the first China-Central Asia Summit. 

M. Kabaziev informed the interlocuters about main activities of the Institute, including development of partnership with the 
Chinese scientific and analytical structures through organizing joint events.

The Kazakh delegation got acquainted with activities of the first automated terminal in Asia (Qingdao port), the International Expo Center "China is the Pearl of the SCO Pilot Zone", the Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park, the Industrial Corporation for Processing Oilseeds and Cereals "Ai-Ju".

Our experts took part in the presentation of analytical document "Blue Book: Report on the development of Kazakhstan for 2022", prepared by the Center for Study of Kazakhstan of the Northwestern University. Members of the Kazakh delegation gave interviews to Chinese television channel CGTN about state and prospects of development of comprehensive strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China.