Participation in the Round Table on the topic: «Actual Problems and Prospects of the SCO Development»

On October 10-13, 2023, a delegation of the Foreign Policy Research Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by Chairman of the Board Bolat Nurgaliyev visited the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the round table on the topic: «Current Problems and Prospects of the SCO Development» under the auspices of the Institute for Advanced International Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED).
The expert discussion focused on strengthening stability and security in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the prospects for cooperation between the SCO and other regional structures, issues of economic development, transport and energy, ecology and digital technologies. Special attention was paid to the prospects of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the SCO in 2023-2024.  
During the event, Uzbek and Kazakh experts proposed a number of initiatives related to improving the overall efficiency of the SCO and strengthening cooperation between the two countries within the framework of this organization. The main result of the event in Tashkent was elaboration of a document on current problems and prospects for the development of the SCO indicating common understanding between the two parties.
The parties adopted a Memorandum of Understanding between the Foreign Policy Research Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Advanced International Studies under the UWED. The document was signed by Chairman of the FPRI Board Bolat Nurgaliyev and Director of IAIS Sherzod Abdullayev.