About the visit of the FPRI Chairman of the Board to Tashkent

At the invitation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of the Uzbekistan, from July 7 to July 11, 2023, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Foreign Policy Research Bolat Nurgaliyev, was in Tashkent as an international observer at the early presidential elections. On voting day, he visited several polling stations in the capital of Uzbekistan, observing the process of expressing the will of citizens, talking with members of precinct election commissions, public representatives of presidential candidates, and journalists from the Uzbek media.

B.Nurgaliev gave an interview to the television channels «Uzbekistan» and «Uzbekistan-24», during which he outlined his assessment of the strict compliance of the electoral process with international standards and Uzbekistan's obligations to respect the rule of law, adopted as a members in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

On July 7, the Chairman of the FPRI Board took part in the international conference «Central Asia in the Changing World» organized by the Institute for Advanced International Studies of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED). Along with other participants-experts on foreign policy issues from Uzbekistan, the USA, India, Great Britain, France, Malaysia and Germany, Bolat Nurgaliev made a presentation outlining his assessments of the current situation in Central Asia, the impact of global geopolitical crisis on the region and his vision of prospects for regional integration.

During his stay in Tashkent, the head of the FPRI was received by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Mazhilis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of UWED Sodyk Safoev. Issues of establishing practical cooperation between the analytical structures of the two countries were discussed, including working contacts between the FPRI and the Institute for Advanced International Studies and the Institute of Diplomacy, which are part of the UWED.