Participation of the FPRI experts in the round table at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan

On October 11, 2024, Deputy Chairman of the FPRI Board Manarbek Kabaziyev and expert of the Institute Almat Toyekin took part in a round table on upcoming elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Councils of People's Deputies, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Astana.
An exchange of views took place on ongoing political reforms in Uzbekistan and their impact on the prospects for further development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and its neighbors in the region. In addition, the participants were informed about state policy in the field of support for compatriots abroad.
It was emphasized that upcoming elections on October 27, 2024 will be held in a completely new socio-political environment defined by the updated Constitution of Uzbekistan. For the first time in the country's history, they will be held on the basis of a mixed electoral system – majority-proportional. A new system of electoral bodies will be introduced, and the proportion of women candidates for deputies from political parties will be at least 40 percent.
In addition, difference between these elections and previous ones is that for the first time electoral process will be monitored through the "E-Saylov" system.
The round table was also attended by representatives of relevant government agencies, expert and analytical structures, faculty, as well as Uzbek students studying at Kazakh universities.